Concerns about Gluten-free diets for Fitness
There has been a trend for a few years with the promotion of the gluten-free diet being healthy for fitnss or athletes. The gluten free diet was initially created for people with celiac disorders, gluten-related disorders, allergies or intolerances. The popularity of gluten-free diet for fitness bothers me because cutting out gluten for a long term can negatively affect non-celiac people. The diet isn't perfect and it cuts out a major food group. For Celiac disease or all the other wheat/gluten pathologies require a gluten-free diet for life. Most people are convinced that gluten is "bad" but this only applies to "people with celiac disease who experience symptoms such as abdominal pain, constipation, weight loss and fatigue when consuming gluten", the Foundation for Celiac Disease points out. In the Journal of Physical Education and Sport® (JPES), Vol 20 (Supplement issue 4), (D'Angelo & Tafuri, 2020; D'Angelo & Cusano, 2020) states that "